One of the things you may want to try to get rid of back acne is to detoxify your body. I can certainly attest to the health benefits of this practice.
A great way to detofixy your body is to consume a lot more fruits and vegtables. I know, I know you have readthat all before but this really works
This is what has worked for me to get rid of back acne. It is basically a 5 day fruit fast. It will detox your system and you should feel great by day 5. Every time I do it, I continue for an extra few days because I feel so good.
In a nutshell, you just eat fresh fruit and drinking fresh fruit juice until you are full. A good tip is to get a variety and if you can, get the produce at some of your better markets.
Absolutely no fruit juice that is not freshly squeezed. If you don't see them squeezin' it, its thanks but no thanks.
The first day is the most difficult. After that, it is pretty easy. Expect to feel not so good the first few days. This is good because it is a sign your body is detoxing
We don't actually realize how sick we are and how much bad stuff we put in our body until we detox it. If you do this, you will realize all sorts of health benefits, including clear skin.
After the 5 days are up, continue to consume a ton of FRESH fruits and vegtables. And add back in only whole, natural, healthy foods.
So what does all of this have to do with how to get rid of back acne? Well, the skin is an elimination system for toxins and if we have an excess, a lot of toxins can get trapped just beneath the skin thus causing back acne.
Think of this as cleaning yourself from the inside out. If you try this, your body will thank you. I promise :)
For more information on how to get rid of body acne please visit http://secret-acne-cure.com/get-rid-of-back-acne
About the Author
Brian McPherson enjoys writing about various health related conceerns.
To visit my blog, go to http://Secret-Acne-Cure.com
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