Does natural herbal skin care remmedies really work?
By: Ray A. Rubio
For years scientists have been researching different ways and medicines to treat the skin and reverse aging, many products and treatments have been developed over the last years and the market is full of skin care products for every part of the body.
However there are some parts of the world were people have been using natural herbal skin care remedies for thousands of years. Although those herbal health remedies cant replace medicines and modern treatments, it can be a very effective way to take care of your skin without side effects.
It more recent years scientists have taken more seriously the power of herbal medicines and they have gotten remarkable results with it.
The problem with modern medicine is that most of the times it just treat the symptoms but not the actual source of the problem, this is why you keep getting the same problem over and over again .
What natural remedy specialist agree is that all the skin problems that we suffer are the result of toxins in our body. When the liver or colon do not work properly they need to be cleansed.
Based on this research most natural herbal skin care remedies work to help the liver heal, leanse and tone. For example the Dandelion is a very good herb for the liver because it takes the toxins and pullutants out of your body. This can be applied to heal different skin care problems like Acne.
A natural way to help your body maintain a young and smooth skin without wrinkles is to take a lot of water every day, we need to hydrate our skin and usually our skin lacks of water.
Also using natural topic solutions with vitamins A, C and E help to maintain the skin healthy, fight free radicals and reduce wrinkles.
Make Your Thinning Hair Look Thicker: Four Tips From My Hairdresser To Improve Bad Hair Days
Four Tips From My Hairdresser To Improve Bad Hair Days
Submitted By: Elisabeth Kuhn
Thinning hair can be very frustrating. Men find it upsetting enough. But for women it's a disaster. After all, while most men would prefer a full head of hair, they CAN just shave it off. It's seen as manly, and, in fact, a bald head can indeed look very sexy - on a man.
That's not the case for women. I feel quite safe in generalizing here that most women would not feel comfortable just shaving it all off. That's a tough decision even for women who are going through chemotherapy, even though it seems the cool thing to do - to a point. But it's pretty much unacceptable for women otherwise. Remember the press Britney Spears received when she shaved it all off!
So what to do? In another article, I suggested a few tricks I have found useful myself. Since that article has proven to be my all-time most popular ezine article to date, here's now another one on the subject, with additional tips. And to get maximum value, I decided to ask my hair dresser John for advice. In addition to some of the tips I already wrote about last time (hair color and thickening shampoo in particular), he made the following suggestions:
1. Use mousse
It will make your hair appear thicker. Experiment with different brands until you find the one that works best for you.
2. Blow-dry your hair upside down
Bend over and start with drying the hair underneath first for maximum body.
Be gentle when you blow-dry. Don't overuse this technique. And don't use too much heat. Elsewhere I've read that air-drying is much easier on your hair, and will help you hang on to it longer. So you may want to consider saving the turbo blow-dry for special occasions.
3. Consider getting a perm
I asked John whether perms were safe for thinning hair, and he said, that yes, absolutely, they were perfectly safe and would really help. I was a bit concerned about the harsh chemicals, but he said that there are milder perms out there these days, and, well, there's an actual perm literally designed for the purpose of making your hair look like there's more of it than you actually have: The body perm!
My personal note on this one: Keep careful track of the effect that perms have on your hair. If you find no ill effects, enjoy. If perms seem to cause further thinning, minimize the number of perms you get or at least insist on the most natural and mildest perm you can find.
4. Get the right kind of haircut
Avoid dos that are too long, especially if your hair is straight. The weight will drag it down and make it look even less full. A chin-length bob, especially if it's layered, will allow your hair to fluff up to its full potential.
On the other hand, be sure to avoid having your hair cut too short, especially on top. It can make thinning hair look even thinner.
How To Care For Your Legs And Become Attractive
Men can never say no to a pair of immaculate and sexy legs. And even all sorts of fashion become an ally if you have beautiful legs; be it in a mini-skirt or a long gown, the way you flaunt your legs becomes even more momentous if your legs are well-proportioned and spotless. While not all women are born with comely legs, a sexy flawless pair can still be yours if you are willing to take the necessary steps and the right amount of effort in taking care of the skin of your legs.
To begin caring for your legs, you first have to realize that your beauty regimen should not be confined to your upper body parts. Obvious as it is, some women think that caring for their faces and abs would have a trickling down effect to their legs. But having a beautiful face or shapely torso is hardly equated with having irresistible pair of legs. Therefore, you need to separately pamper your legs to improve their appearance; read on for important pointers on how to go about it.
Moisturize All The Time
Having smooth and glowing skin on your legs is a direct result of adequately moisturizing them. Moisturizing your legs will make them feel soft and supple, enough to be described as silky. When choosing a moisturizer for your legs, always take into consideration the type of your skin to avoid unwanted reaction on your legs.
Exfoliate And Buff Your Legs Regularly
The appearance of your legs can be affected by the layers of dead skin cells that are accumulating on them. This unhealthy layer can cause some skin problems and blemishes on your legs because dead skin cells can block the pores on your skin. If you want to improve the look of your legs, make it a point to get rid of the layers of dead skin cells by gently exfoliating the skin on your legs.
You can go about this by using loofah or other soft abrasive materials that are specifically made for your skin. With exfoliating gels or just ordinary soap, you can gently rub these materials on your legs and, in the process, scrape off dead skin layers. After you have done the exfoliating part, remember to apply lotion to moisturize and give your legs a buff finish. You do not need to go to a cosmetic clinic to have skin exfoliation on your legs.
Nourish Them With Vitamins
As a new younger looking layer of skin takes the place of the scraped dead layer, you need to nourish your legs with vitamins that can strengthen and improve the health of the skin on your legs. The new skin layer can be more receptive and responsive to nourishment and any other leg treatment, hence always follow up the exfoliating and the buffing of your legs with the application of skin nutrients. Applications that are rich with vitamins A, B complex, C, and E are usually the best for your skin.
Be Careful When Shaving
Unwanted hair growth on the legs can make them unsightly. This is why many women shave their legs to improve their appearance. But the problem with shaving is that, you can easily nick the skin of your legs if you are not too careful with the razor. What starts off as an attempt to make your legs look smooth and sexy can easily end up in bleeding cuts.
To prevent this from happening, always use top quality razors. And always take your time while shaving your legs; this way, you do not feel pressure so you have greater control of the razor.
How To Look 10 Years Younger And Make Your Skin Intact
Submitted By: Sharon Bell
By the time you reach 40 years old, you will discover that your skin is not as elastic and supple as it used to be. It will now be a bit drier and duller. The rosy glow you had when you were in your 20's are now beginning to fade and are starting to be replaced by age spots, freckles and wrinkles.
Do not panic! There are ways to delay the aging process and even reverse the telltale signs of aging without spending thousands of dollars. Keep on reading to discover how you can look a decade younger with soft and blemish-free skin:
Stay Out Of The Sun
It is true that you need a little morning sunshine to get vitamin D. However, staying too long under the sun, especially without protection, can really wreak havoc to your skin. Age spots, wrinkles, and other skin discolorations are mostly the results of sun damage. In fact, frequent and prolonged sun exposure can speed up the aging process.
If you want to look young, you need to stay out of the sun especially from 10AM to 3PM, regardless of whether you are wearing sun protection. You should also use a good sun block or sunscreen with a high SPF count.
Eat Healthy
The type of food we indulge in will be reflected on the appearance of our skin. If you are a fan of fried food and junk food, your skin will also look like junk – old, wrinkly and lifeless. Most of the junk food available in the market is filled with free radicals, which can be responsible for sucking out the moisture out of your skin and causing freckles and liver spots on your face and body.
As we age, our metabolism slows down, so does the ability of our skin to regenerate. Make it easier for your tissues to restore and rejuvenate dry and dull skin by eating food that is filled with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are important allies in making you look and feel younger.
Food rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are fish, fruits, green leafy vegetables, cruciferous and deep orange produce (carrots, squash and apricots), and lean meat.
Take Supplements
It is usually hard to get all our daily requirement of vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. Thus, it is imperative that you look for supplements, such as multivitamin tablets, that will help you reach your daily requirement of nutrients.
The supplement you need to take must have Beta Carotene (crucial for cell regeneration), vitamin C (aids in making skin more elastic and stronger), vitamin E (prevents scarring and slows the aging process), Zinc (helps in cell repair and growth), selenium (fights cell damage caused by UV rays) and essential fatty acids (important in tissue repair and restoration).
Don't Hold Back On Water
Not many are aware that water is vital in maintaining most of our body's functions and processes. If you are dehydrated, some of the functions of your organs will be affected. To prevent dehydration, you need to consume at least three pints of water everyday.
If you want to maintain supple and clear skin, you have to increase your water intake because water does not only help in moisturizing the skin; it also assists in delaying the aging process. Furthermore, water is needed to eliminate the toxins and waste products of our body. It is important to note that skin diseases and blemishes are sometimes caused by stored waste products and toxins inside your body.
Cream It Up
As you get older, you need all the help you can get to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. So even if you eat tons and tons of vegetables and gallons after gallons of water, these are still not enough to promote elastic and clear skin. You must accept the fact that you need to use moisturizers and other skin products so you can strip at least 10 years of your age.
Can What You Drink Help You Loose Weight? Three Quick and Easy Tips
By: Brenda Williams
If you thought that what you eat is the only thing that affects your weight, you were wrong. In fact, did you know that over 50% of your body is made up of water? A good deal of weight that people lose is often just water weight. Many people who are out there on the dieting kick believe that the answer to losing weight is to not eat as much food.
However, it is more complex than that. Your body needs food to sustain itself and have energy to fight off infections, etc. The common mistake that people make when it comes to food is not that they eat too much, it’s that they eat too much of the wrong kinds of foods because they make uniformed, poor food eating choices. However, did you also know that a major factor in weight gain has to do with what you are drinking?! Drinking certain beverages can actually make you lose and/or gain weight depending on what it is. This is why you may have heard a lot about juice fasting. Many people who go on juice fasts lose a significant amount of weight. However, it is not advised that you do it alone. Make sure that you are consulting with a doctor or specialist.
It seems that nearly everyone today is obsessed with losing weight. But how exactly do you get started down this path to a healthier you? It could be just as simple as pouring a glass. Here are three quick and simple liquid solutions to help you loose weight and get healthy.
Tip#1: Water...lots and lots of water. Yes, I know you have heard it before about how important drinking water is but it really does help you to loose weight, especially those tough pounds that never seem to leave. And why? It is all about the liver. Your liver's primary job it to convert fat into energy, sugar to be exact. So, what does that have to do with water? Well, your liver's secondary job is to act as a back up for your kidneys, so if your kidneys are water deprived, your liver has to pull double duty which means it is busy serving as the kidney's stand in and can not convert fat as effectively, and as we know what doesn't get converted usually ends up somewhere around your thighs or midriff.
Tip #2: Convert to Diet Sodas. Let's face it, water with pizza just doesn't quite cut it sometimes. But for those times that you do want a soda with your meal, converting to diet soda, or better yet sugar free lemonade, will shave off around 150 calories or more for every can you replace.
Tip #3: Drink Cranberry Juice. Yes, I said cranberry juice. Cranberries are loaded with organic acids that are believed to actually dissolve fat deposits. And if the taste is too bitter for you, then you can always mix it with a little sweeter juice like orange or raspberry.
So there you go, three very simple and quick ways to drink your way to a slimmer and healthier you.
How Garlic Can Make You Healthier
Submitted By: Brenda Williams
You know, my mom always told me that garlic was good for you. In fact, I can remember days when I had sore throats when I was younger and she would steep garlic in boiling water and then give it to me in a mug to drink. Yuck! But the truth of the matter was that within the hour, I actually felt better.
Supposedly, there are many healing qualities that garlic has. Garlic is also extremely healthy for you. It is good for your heart and can help your body fight off infections. The only downside of consuming garlic is that it causes you to have bad breath. But having bad breath (temporarily) pales in comparison to having a healthy immune system. There are also many myths that state that garlic can help stave off vampires (although this is yet to be proven).
You know all of those old legends from mortals afraid of the undead, how garlic can keep vampires away. Well, while we might not be too sure about garlic's effect on vampires, having a healthy helping of garlic can keep away other things like colds and even strokes.
Garlic has been used for its therapeutic properties since ancient times. That familiar, strong smell that is associated with garlic is caused by a chemical called allicin. Researchers believe that it is this ingredient that gives garlic its health boosting properties. Garlic has proved to be effective in lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. It has also shown to be useful against preventing stroke and heart disease. Some research has suggested that garlic may be useful in preventing the formation of blood clots.
Garlic is not only a heart smart food, it can also give your immune system a nice jolt and help you to fight off infections, which coincidentally maybe why garlic was connected with driving off vampires who in some cultures were considered to have a “disease” of vampirism. Some research has shown that taking a garlic supplement every day could reduce your chances of catching a cold by half. And in addition to these benefits, garlic is also loaded with tons of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals like selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins A, B, and C.
But how do you get enough garlic? Luckily garlic is a great additive to most food; and you only need one glove a day to benefit. However, if you just happen to not care of the taste or aroma of garlic, there are a variety of odorless garlic capsules available at just about any where vitamins are sold. So you can get all the of the great benefits from this tiny little glove without having to smell like you are trying to keep vampires away.
If you are trying to increase your garlic intake, many vitamin stores actually offer garlic in pill form. This is a great option for those of us who cannot stand nor stomach the taste and/or smell of garlic. But for those of us who can, it is more often advised that you try to take garlic in its natural form.
A Guide to Detoxing
A cleansing of the body is refered to as detoxing. The purpose of detoxing is to cleanse the blood in the body, more than anything the blood in the liver which is where toxins are processed for elimination. The kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin also eliminates toxins from the body.
A good detoxing program can help to improve the body's natural cleaning process as it is able to help the organs rest through fasting, stimulate the liver to drive toxins from the body, promote elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin, and improve circulation of the blood.
How to Do it
If you are interested in detoxing to feel rejuvenated and refreshed like never before, there are a few different steps you are going to want to take. There are more severe detoxifying methods, but here are a few simple tips to help get you started.
The amount of fiber in your diet should increase at the start of the detox. Eating more fiber - as long as you increase your water intake as well - will help to flush your body of toxins. Excellent detoxifying foods are beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, chlorella, and seaweed.
You also want to cleanse and protect the liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root and milk thistle. Green tea also aids in cleasing and protecting the liver. Either drink green tea hot or cold, or take green tea supplements.
Taking Vitamin C will also be helpful to you here, as this will help your body to produce more glutathione, which is a liver compound that helps to drive away toxins. Stressing is also very hard on your body, so you should try to relax as much as you can. Practice relaxing exercises such as yoga and pilates and emphasize positive emotions.
For relaxing your body and mind try meditation, as it is especially beneficial for this. You may also want to practice hydrotherapy by taking a very hot shower for five minutes, allowing the warm water to soothe your body and caress your skin.
Who is Able to Detox?
Generally all people are able to detox, unless you are pregnant, nursing, or suffering from a degenerative disease such as cancer. Otherwise you should be okay to go through with a proper detoxing program, just make sure that you speak to your doctor about it first as they will be able to determine whether you have chosen the right detoxing program for you and ultimately whether you are going to be putting yourself at risk.
Looking To Detox Your Body, But Don't Know What To Do? Checkout These Excellent Articles, A Guide to Detoxing and How to Detox Naturally. You'll Be Detoxing Shortly.
Acne Treatments - Which is Best?
Acne treatments are similarly varied - some work a little bit some of the time, and some work a lot some of the time. So far though, no wonder-cure acne treatments have been invented, except perhaps one which we'll look at in a minute. No doubt you've tried many different ways of treating acne, and most have probably been fairly inneffectual. Below, we will examine several approaches to acne treatment.
#1 - Steroid creams. These are the most common means to treat acne. Doctors and dermatologists prescribe them to counteract the acne on the skin and boost the body's defense systems to keep it under control. If you have acne, treat it with steroid creams and see what happens - some people respond well, and others simply don't respond at all.
#2 - Facial washes. Similar to #1, facial washes treat acne by keeping the skin clean, opening pores to allow oil to escape properly and maintaining a neutral surface balance so the skin is happy. Facial washes are good for acne, and can treat many mild cases very successfully.
#3 - Electro therapy. Don't even go there. This is mad and shouldn't be attempted.
#4 - Chemical peels. Developed under some assumption that peeling off the skin will help remove the acne at the same time, chemical peels treat acne by basically dropping acid on your skin and letting it soak in. Then the top few layers of skin will peel off, hopefully leaving you acne free. Chemical peels do have an application in helping avoid scarring from acne, but treat them carefully. Only go this route as an absolute last resort.
#5 - Natural cures. Still seen as a bit of a joke by the general medical community, natural cures treat acne by attacking the root causes of acne, inside the body. They use techniques which have been around for hundreds of years and are based on our knowledge of foods and plants, and how our bodies work. They're not hugely expensive, they're fast, safe, healthy and will do you a world of good.
Treating acne might seem a bit complicated, but it really doesn't have to be. After reviewing tons of acne treatment programs online, I would strongly recommend "Acne Free In 3 Days". It uses all-natural methods to achieve rapid results, and is really worth looking into. Learn more about it, and how to cure your acne at Cure-Acne-Today.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Fencer
Overnight beauty tips
Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to follow these simple tips to wake up looking good and feeling your best.
When the unexpected happens, it's best to be prepared, which can be as simple as arming yourself with products in your bathroom's medicine cabinet.
Take the unexpected acne blemish for example. If you can see or feel a pimple forming on your face, the smart thing to do is to act fast. Prior to hitting the sack wash your face with soap and water and then place a dab of toothpaste on the area to help dry the pimple out while you sleep.
Would you like to play footsies with your significant other but are afraid your rough feet may cause more pain than pleasure? Then it's time to make a change.
The first step to getting rid of crusty feet is to soak them in warm, soapy water for a thorough cleaning. After 10 minutes scrub the bottoms of your feet with a pumice stone to remove rough skin, then dry. While the feet are still moist apply a mixture of your favorite lotion and petroleum jelly to rehydrate your heels. As a final step before bed, slide on comfortable cotton socks to hold in the moisture. Overnight this will help leave feet smooth and ready for play.
If you suffer from dry, unruly eyelashes take control of the problem by gently placing petroleum jelly on the lashes. It's an excellent way to keep them looking healthy, long and luscious.
Do you wake up in the morning feeling perky and alert but your eyes still look tired and swollen? Preventing eye puffiness is as simple as altering the way you sleep.
By sleeping on your back and using a firm, elevated pillow, you prevent body fluids from pooling into your facial tissues at night. In the morning you will awaken looking just as alert as you feel.
One of the most important tips for looking your best is to get plenty of beauty sleep. A lack of shut-eye can lead to dark under-eye circles and bloodshot eyes, which makes for a fatigued appearance. Experts suggest avoiding heavy meals, caffeine, nicotine and other stimulants at least four hours before bedtime, and for peak alertness and maximum energy, get a minimum of eight hours of rest every night.
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