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How to Make Bath Salts

Did you know that you can pamper your skin with bath salts without spending those extra dollars. Here’s how you can make bath salts at home and feel rejuvenated!

What are Bath Salts
Bath Salts are a mixture of ingredients that we add to our bath water. Bath salts can be very refreshing for the skin and are quite popular among the various bath care products. Bath salts come in a variety of flavors, scents and colors. The shape of these salts may vary from the size of pebbles or common table salt.

Why Use Bath Salts
We often use various ingredients to add refreshment to our bathing experience. A wide range of bath products such as scented oils, perfumes, scrubs, soaps, moisturizers and many more enhance the luxuries of bathing. Bath salts play an important role in maintaining the moisture level and smoothness of our skin. They not only help in supplementing the salt in the water with which we take bath but also help in removing the dead cells from the skin surface. While the salt in the bath water reduces the skin bacteria, the removal of the dead cells ensure a smooth and healthy glow to the skin.

How to Use Bath Salts
In order to reap the best benefits of using bath salts, it is important to mix them with running water. This gives them adequate time to get mixed with the water and get completely dissolved. You can simply mix the bath salt in the water or make bubble and froth while using them.
Bath salts make wonderful gifts and/or crafts. So, you can start thinking of gifting your own hand-made bath salts to your loved ones, be it a Mother’s Day or Christmas or any such occasion.

How to Make Bath Salts
Some of the most common and easily available ingredients for making bath salts include Epsom or Dead Sea Salts, baking soda, liquid colorants, fragrance or essential oils and glycerin. However, you can experiment with a lot of other combinations while preparing your own bath salt such as scented/unscented shampoo, castile soap, olive oil, sunflower oil etc and many more.

Apart from beauty and skin care purposes, different ingredients are combined to prepare bath salts to be used as part of medical remedies or therapy treatments also. All these ingredients are easily available in all kinds of departmental or drug stores.For making bath salts you would just need to mix the ingredients with your preferred color and fragrance and then store the mixture in an air tight container, once it is dry. You can also decorate the container with dried flowers, colorful laces and ribbons, sea-shells, beads, glitters, sparkles, crystals etc. if it is meant for gift purposes.

Some Simple Recipes
Choose any of these for a refreshing bath time or an ideal gift.
  • Sunflower and Dead Sea Salt
    Add two cups of Dead Sea Salts with two cups of sunflower petals and spray ¼ tablespoon of Anise Essential Oil to the mixture. This combination can be very effective during summer, leaving behind a fresh and relaxing impact. Use this before engaging yourself into heavy field activities or even dinner parties.
  • Christmas Bath Salt
    Add one and a half cup of Epsom Salt with a few drops of peppermint oil and a few drops of food coloring according to your preference. Pour the content in a glass jar and decorate it nicely to add gifts to your holiday celebrations.
  • Colored and Scented Bath Salt
    Mix two cups of Epsom salts and one cup of Rock/Sea/Course Salt together. Then mix ¼ teaspoon of glycerin, food colorants and essential oils/perfumes and stir it well before adding it with the mixture of the salts. Excessive water might lead the salts to dissolve in it and thus, restrict excessive use of water based ingredients.
  • Desert Sands Bath Salt
    Mix one cup of baking soda with three cups of Epsom salts, two teaspoons of liquid glycerin and a few drops of jasmine fragrant and stir well. Use different food colorings to add to the mixture before putting an equal amount of the mixture to 2/3 bowls. Mix the color in each bowl properly and let them dry for some hours. After the mixture of each bowl has dried properly, pour them into the jar as layers.
  • Bath Salt Scrubs
    For making bath salt scrubs you can use various herbs according to your preferred scent or fragrance oil. While Lemon and Orange Peels can be a good combination with a citrus scrub, Rosemary can be used with e peppermint scrub. Lavender based scrubs go well with lavender flower powder and rose petal powder compliments a rose scrub or any kind of other floral scrubs.

By Paramita Ghosh


How To Lose Weight In A Short Amount Of Time

How To Lose Weight In A Short Amount Of Time

By: Todd Stevens

It can be tough to lose weight- especially when concerning the fact that weight loss has been stumping scientists for decades in how to provide a simple cure. Until such a cure can be developed, there are a few general guidelines to follow to keep the weight off and keep appearances stunning.

Proper weight loss is important to observe, since the wrong techniques can create much more body fat than what was previously had. This means that dieting and exercising the right way is important to not only losing weight, but preventing fat building that can make for a depressing weight gain.

There are other options in weight loss that many have tried as an alternative means of losing weight. Surgery is an example of a drastic alternative, which can sometimes even have adverse effects or unwanted side effects. Some types of pills and special diets have also been successful in reducing unwanted body fat and body mass.

Diets are not usually long term occasions, as they impose restrictions on one's normal eating habits. In many cases, the diet is a lesson in better eating, and a full return to one's previous eating habits may not be a good idea. The best way to go about the process overall is to simply change one's routine and lifestyle altogether as a more permanent solution to the problem.

It's an odd concept to conform to, but the concept of eating different amounts depending on the time of day can help reduce weight in consumers. It's common to eat large dinners and lunches, but this isn't recommended since there is less time to burn off calories before sleep is required- which is a definite builder of fat when supplied with large amounts of food. Thus, eating a large breakfast and eating smaller lunches and dinners helps in the process of losing weight for good.

These sustainable lifestyle changes are crucial for losing weight and keeping it off. Another small lifestyle change would be incorporating more exercise into your daily routine. This exercise does not have to be anything extreme, but just things like walking to work, walking up and down the stairs, and parking the car farther away from where one is going can really help a person burn those extra calories every day.

Final Thoughts

The failure to cure the "weight loss disease" can cause many health problems and will lead to a much shorter and less enjoyable life for many people. To stay healthy, consult more Internet resources and local physicians for best tips in doing so.

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Effective Treatments For Acne Scars

Effective Treatments For Acne Scars

By: Nathan James

People who suffer from mild or even moderate acne will usually recover without any serious scars. In severe cases however, scarring is almost an inevitable problem. Don't lose hope - new treatments can help to minimize scarring and there are new techniques that can even remove existing scars.

Pimples will often leave behind a patch of discolored skin. This discoloration isn't actually a scar - it usually clears up within a few months. Marks that remain for more than a year are considered to be scars.

The healing process can sometimes be accelerated by using medications like Retin-A, Renova and Alpha-Hydroxy. Sunshine can lead to further skin damage so always be sure to wear sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun for any length of time.

How To Prevent Scars

Scarring can be prevented with active treatment and self control. One of the most common things to lead to scarring is picking or squeezing acne. People often squeeze pimples, but this is one of the worst things they can do. This can cause skin damage which can lead to scarring, plus it can cause the bacteria that causes acne to spread, making the condition worse.

You also need to avoid picking scabs that form over acne lesions. These scabs are a part of the healing process and if they're picked off, it exposes the skin underneath which can lead to it not healing properly and scarring.

How to Treat Scars

Acne scars can be treated in a number of different ways. If the scarring is not too severe, a chemical peel may be an effective treatment. This will remove the top layer of skin and allow the cells beneath to rejuvenate themselves.

Severe cases of scarring can be treated with lasers or dermabrasion techniques. Lasers will remove the damaged layer of skin and tighten the underlying skin, raising the depression that the scar has caused.

Dermabrasion gets rid of scars by literally scraping away the surface of the skin where the scarring occurred. A new layer of skin is formed during healing, replacing the layer that was removed.

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Vitamins For Women

Vitamins For Women
Submitted By: Mario Churchill

Women often do not get enough vitamins. Vitamins for women usually include those with extra iron as women tend to develop anemia more so than men as well as relief for menstrual symptoms as well as osteoporosis. All human beings need vitamins to live and vitamins are found in just about every food we eat. However, many of us do not consume the right types of foods and cheat our bodies out of the vitamins needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Calcium is absolutely essential for growing children as well as women. Calcium promotes strong bones and teeth as well as reduces the risk for osteoporosis. Many physicians advise women to take calcium supplements to prevent this crippling disease. In addition, Vitamin D, which is found in calcium, also reduces the risk of getting hypertension and aids in blood clotting. Women who are pregnant should also be taking calcium supplements or getting enough calcium in their diets.

Vitamins for women include folic acid which is recommended for women who are thinking about becoming pregnant. Folic Acid is found in Vitamin B-12 and is proven to reduce the risk of birth defects as well as premature births. Most of the B vitamins, including B-12, have proven to be effective in combating depression and high blood pressure and can usually be found in green vegetables. Broccoli is one that is high in this vitamin, although women who are pregnant will usually be advised to take a supplement.

Vitamins for women who are pregnant usually include a multivitamin that contains nutrients that will replace those given to the growing baby. In addition to multivitamin supplements, women who are pregnant often experience anemia and are given Iron supplements as well to try to combat the fatigue.

Many women experience morning sickness when carrying a child. This is often part of the pregnancy process and drugs given in the past have proven disastrous when it comes to preventing morning sickness. Ginger, however, is known to combat nausea and is a natural and effective way for a pregnant woman to alleviate the nausea that often accompanies pregnancy.

Vitamin A is also proven to reduce birth defects when taken by pregnant women. Vitamin A is a valuable vitamin for women as it also boosts the immune system and maintains healthy skin. Vitamin A can be found in dark orange produce such as carrots as well as in dark green vegetables such as broccoli. Vitamin A has also been found to boost bone health.

Women who are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant should consult with their doctor before taking any vitamins for women supplement. Taking too much of some vitamins can result in toxicity and may have adverse affects on pregnancy.

Women who want to keep their skin looking good will benefit from Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also useful during pregnancy and is known to reduce the possibility of birth defects. It also helps with anemia and depression, two common side effects of pregnancy. In addition to the amazing benefits for skin health, Vitamin E is also proven to prevent high blood pressure and improves memory. Some in the medical field are suggesting that Vitamin E can stave off Alzheimers disease, an illness that effects both men and women.

Vitamins for women who are pregnant may also include Chromium which is used to regulate blood sugar. Many women develop gestational diabetes when pregnant and this vitamin can help with this condition, although your doctor will also most likely prescribe insulin shots. Gestational diabetes is a serious condition, but can be avoided by keeping your weight down and consuming Chromium prior to getting pregnant. Chromium is found in whole grains, orange juice, oysters and chicken.

Vitamins for women who are experiencing menopause are many. Black Cohosh is one of he most popular as it is said to control hot flashes that accompany menopause. There are side effects to this vitamin supplement, however, that include headaches and stomach problems. It is also not recommended for women who may be pregnant or who have a history of breast disease. If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause, speak to your doctor about natural vitamins for women that can alleviate your symptoms. While many doctors will prefer to prescribe hormone replacement therapy, remember that you are in charge of your own health. Menopause is a natural condition and can be treated naturally with the proper vitamins for women.

Vitamins for women are clearly available as multi vitamins as well as supplements. You can purchase vitamins for women in most drug stores, health food stores and online. While multivitamin supplements will do no harm, consult your physician prior to taking an extra supplement, particularly if you are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or are in the stages of menopause.

How Professional Skin Care Can Stop Acne

How Professional Skin Care Can Stop Acne


Acne is one of the many skin problems experienced by people. According to statistics, almost 17 million Americans are affected by acne with 85% of which belonging to the 12-24 years age range. While there are a lot of over-the-counter acne products and skin care lines available today, professional assistance is still necessary for effective treatment of severe acne. A dermatologist can help treat acne better than skin care specialists at spas or skin clinics.

Advantages of enlisting professional help in treating acne

Accurate diagnosis Acne can come in several forms: whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. However, there are also skin conditions that look similar to acne but are totally different. One example is the skin condition called keratosis pilaris that is manifested by tiny bumps much like whiteheads. A dermatologist can tell a patient whether the problem is really acne or just an acne-like condition.

Information Dermatologists take time to discuss patients’ medical history, diet, and other factors which may have contributed to the development of acne. This way, patients get informed on how their skin conditions came to be. As such, they are able to avoid activities that can worsen their acne.

More savings Since a dermatologist can provide patients with a correct and accurate diagnosis, the risks of wasting money on ineffective and inappropriate treatment are eliminated. As such, patients do not have to spend on extra dermatologist visits to correct treatment mistakes.

Types of professional acne treatment Aside from treatments like microdermabrasion, facial, and chemical peel – which can be performed by spa skin care specialists – dermatologists also treat acne using two methods. These are:

Cortisone shots These shots are usually administered by dermatologists for severe cases of cystic acne. Cortisone shots deliver cortisol, a hormone that is found naturally in the body, to help reduce the inflammation of current breakouts.

Hormonal pills Some cases of acne are traced to hormonal imbalances. As such, dermatologists often prescribe the use of contraceptive hormonal pills to correct the hormone levels in the body. Patients can also ask their gynaecologist for oral contraceptives that can help clear skin breakouts.

Given the many benefits of professional skin care assistance, people suffering from acne are advised to find a dermatologist that can work well with them.

Tips on finding a dermatologist for effective acne treatment

1.Ask for referrals and recommendations. When looking for a dermatologist for acne treatment, patients are advised to seek recommendations and referrals from people they know. A general practitioner is one’s best bet when looking for a dermatologist. Alternatively, patients can also ask people who have undergone acne treatment for referrals.

2.Seek a qualified dermatologist. License and certification are important to ensure that a practicing dermatologist is indeed qualified to perform treatments. Patients can look up Board-certified dermatologists on the Internet and ask for referrals from professional skin care associations.

3.Make proximity a priority. Patients are advised to find a practicing dermatologist near their homes. Since acne treatments are usually done in an out-patient basis, it is important to minimize exposure to pollutants and possible irritants. The sun, dust, and micro-particles in the air can irritate skin that had just undergone treatment.

4.Prioritize comfort. While qualified, not all dermatologists are blessed with great bedside manner. Patients must not be afraid to switch to a different dermatologist if their current one does not make them comfortable and is not able to address their acne concerns.

Eating The Right Food To Lower Cholesterol

Eating The Right Food To Lower Cholesterol


People have to eat in order to have energy to do certain things. Some are able to make three or four trips to the buffet table while others are satisfied after one round. In any case, the type of food brought to the plate could be healthy or harmful and the choice is really up to the person.

Those who love to eat red meat and other dishes that are fatty or oil are at risk of getting sick. This isn't diarrhea but something worse which could be life threatening because of the amount of bad cholesterol that is being taken into the body.

The high levels of cholesterol in the body are happening more often now than ever before. This is because of the variety of food offered now in the grocery and in restaurants. The person can still recover from this by eating foods that are not high in saturated fats.

Is there one food product that can be called the best to lower cholesterol? The answer is no because a well balanced diet must come from all the food groups.

Instead of drinking full cream milk or mixing this with cornflakes or whole grain, it is best to use non fat milk instead. The taste is almost the same is much healthier than the regular brand bought in the supermarket.

Instead of having steak when having a cookout or picnic, this should be changed with lean meats instead. These things don't have that much fat in the center or in the edges and taste just as good as the big slab served with mash potatoes.

The healthiest thing to have either for lunch and dinner is food that comes from the ocean. This can be fish or shellfish that is known to carry Omega 3, which is very effective in lowering the levels of cholesterol in people.

Eating a candy bar or a slice of cake doesn't see so bad but these things are rich in fat. Those who need to fill the stomach with something should try nuts or fruits instead. These products are rich in fiber as well as have vitamins and minerals that are healthier to consume.

In each meal, the person must not forget to add some fruits in the plate. A salad works best or having a few carrots or potatoes as a side dish. There must always be a balance whenever the individual decides to have meat or fish.

Chicken is not good if this is fried. Those who want to eat it for a change can still do as long as the skin has been removed. This can also be steamed which is a healthier way of cooking it before this is served in a plate.

There are many ways to cook the food mentioned. The individual can get a cookbook or download some recipes from the Internet to be able to come up with something delicious and at the same time lower one's cholesterol levels.

If following the instructions are hard, there are always shows on television that teach homemakers and other people the basics into cooking something fat free which is good for the diet.

It is never too late to make some lifestyle and changes in order to live a longer and healthier life.

Health Benefits of Tea: Tea Might Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation

Health Benefits of Tea: Tea Might Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation by WILLIAM LENGEMAN

The relaxing effects of various herbal teas, such as chamomile, are well known, but it also appears that "real" tea, of the type derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, may share similar qualities. For many people who make the switch from coffee to tea, it's these qualities, as well as the notion that tea contains less caffeine, that helps make it so appealing.

While the contemplative aspects of various tea ceremonies and rituals are helpful for many drinkers when it comes to reducing stress, there is also evidence that there are compounds in tea that do the same thing. Much of the research focuses on L-theanine, a compound that, according to researchers at City University of New York, tends to affect certain workings of the brain when complex tasks are performed, allowing for greater concentration.

sleep, relaxPreviously, a study carried out by University College of London researchers found that participants who drank a black tea-based drink had lower levels of a stress hormone called cortisol following a stressful event. Researcher Professor Andrew Steptoe called this one of the first such studies "to assess tea in a double-blind placebo controlled design."

An earlier study by researchers in the Netherlands looked at EEG readings of participants and discovered that L-theanine had "a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness or arousal." Other research found that young women who participated in a study on L-theanine generated alpha waves in their brains in amounts that corresponded with the quantity of the compound they ingested. Alpha waves are associated with relaxed states of mind.

Natural Teeth Whitening Alternatives

Natural Teeth Whitening Alternatives


Most people will agree that having a brilliant white smile is complimentary to their appearance. Countless numbers of people think about various ways to improve or enhance their appearance at some time or another. Using natural teeth whitening products is a simple, inexpensive way to accomplish this.

There are choices when it comes to brightening your smile. Some people might choose to go to a dentist for professional bleaching products, which usually contain peroxide to bleach the teeth. Also, there are a variety of over the counter options like whitening strips. Dentists or their affiliates might not endorse organic whitening products such as baking soda, lemon juice and peroxide, but those items have a history of cleaning that has been passed through the ages. The use of foods such as lemons, limes oranges and grapefruit, as well as strawberries, and tomatoes to erase the effects of coffee and tea stains is steeped in tradition.

I will start with the professional choice. If your dentist agrees that you should whiten your teeth, they would make trays formed to fit over your teeth. The trays hold a gel solution containing peroxide. The dentist decides how long to keep the whitener on your teeth, and how long you will use it. This method is quite successful, and your dentist is responsible for keeping your mouth healthy and the tooth enamel from deteriorating. The cost could be a huge detriment. Professional whitening is very expensive.

Whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes are easy to find at drug and discount stores. They are easy to use and are priced less than professional services. Whitening toothpastes often have baking soda or peroxide as the principal whitening ingredient. Containing a small amount of peroxide, the ready to use strips are easy to apply.

Begin by looking in your own kitchen or pantry may seem like an unusual place, but it is widely known that many everyday goods work for both cooking and cleaning. For instance, homemakers have used lemon juice for many common uses such as highlighting hair and for removing stains from kitchen counters and sinks. You could make a paste of baking soda mixed with a little vinegar and brush it gently on your teeth to lessen coffee or tea stains.

Using these natural organic products cautious and discerning manner, should allow your teeth to become sparkling white. Consider the consequences of combining these products before use, and keep in mind they should not be used for extended periods.

If you are considering the use of natural teeth whitening products, you might not have to look any farther than your own kitchen, pantry or grocery store. Smile, and look at those pearly white teeth. Want to learn how you can brighten your smile naturally using natural teeth whitening methods? For more, visit,here you will find this and much more on all your teeth whitening needs.


Are You Ready To Lose Weight?

By: Steven Schultz

Losing weight can be compared in a lot of cases to somebody trying to give up smoking particularly for a person who has been overweight for a long time and who has had bad eating habits for much of their life. Like smoking, over eating is a habit that is quite difficult to break for the majority of people. It is for this reason why many people spend the majority of their life going from one weight-loss program to another in the search for the Magic answer that will get them in the shape that they desire.
Once again by likening this to giving up smoking, a person who is trying to lose weight will have a considerably better chance of success if they have made up their mind completely that this is what they want. If you start a weight-loss program without the intention of following through to the ultimate outcome then the doubt that is always in the back of your mind will make it so much easier for you to fail.
For many people it is more about what goes on in the mind than what they are putting into their stomach and you might have to deal with these issues first before you have any opportunity to lose weight and get in shape. Mind power is a very powerful thing that can work for or against you and by eliminating habits from your life you will be retraining your mind to accept the new lifestyle as your natural state whereby you will be able to maintain a good healthy body weight for the long-term.

We do most things in life subconsciously including good and bad habits and by turning those bad habits into positive lifestyle changes your bodyweight won't be something that is constantly the focus of your life.
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Need To Get Rid Of Back Acne?

Need To Get Rid Of Back Acne? by Brian McPherson

One of the things you may want to try to get rid of back acne is to detoxify your body. I can certainly attest to the health benefits of this practice.

A great way to detofixy your body is to consume a lot more fruits and vegtables. I know, I know you have readthat all before but this really works

This is what has worked for me to get rid of back acne. It is basically a 5 day fruit fast. It will detox your system and you should feel great by day 5. Every time I do it, I continue for an extra few days because I feel so good.

In a nutshell, you just eat fresh fruit and drinking fresh fruit juice until you are full. A good tip is to get a variety and if you can, get the produce at some of your better markets.

Absolutely no fruit juice that is not freshly squeezed. If you don't see them squeezin' it, its thanks but no thanks.

The first day is the most difficult. After that, it is pretty easy. Expect to feel not so good the first few days. This is good because it is a sign your body is detoxing
We don't actually realize how sick we are and how much bad stuff we put in our body until we detox it. If you do this, you will realize all sorts of health benefits, including clear skin.

After the 5 days are up, continue to consume a ton of FRESH fruits and vegtables. And add back in only whole, natural, healthy foods.

So what does all of this have to do with how to get rid of back acne? Well, the skin is an elimination system for toxins and if we have an excess, a lot of toxins can get trapped just beneath the skin thus causing back acne.

Think of this as cleaning yourself from the inside out. If you try this, your body will thank you. I promise :)

For more information on how to get rid of body acne please visit

About the Author

Brian McPherson enjoys writing about various health related conceerns.

To visit my blog, go to