Acne treatments are similarly varied - some work a little bit some of the time, and some work a lot some of the time. So far though, no wonder-cure acne treatments have been invented, except perhaps one which we'll look at in a minute. No doubt you've tried many different ways of treating acne, and most have probably been fairly inneffectual. Below, we will examine several approaches to acne treatment.
#1 - Steroid creams. These are the most common means to treat acne. Doctors and dermatologists prescribe them to counteract the acne on the skin and boost the body's defense systems to keep it under control. If you have acne, treat it with steroid creams and see what happens - some people respond well, and others simply don't respond at all.
#2 - Facial washes. Similar to #1, facial washes treat acne by keeping the skin clean, opening pores to allow oil to escape properly and maintaining a neutral surface balance so the skin is happy. Facial washes are good for acne, and can treat many mild cases very successfully.
#3 - Electro therapy. Don't even go there. This is mad and shouldn't be attempted.
#4 - Chemical peels. Developed under some assumption that peeling off the skin will help remove the acne at the same time, chemical peels treat acne by basically dropping acid on your skin and letting it soak in. Then the top few layers of skin will peel off, hopefully leaving you acne free. Chemical peels do have an application in helping avoid scarring from acne, but treat them carefully. Only go this route as an absolute last resort.
#5 - Natural cures. Still seen as a bit of a joke by the general medical community, natural cures treat acne by attacking the root causes of acne, inside the body. They use techniques which have been around for hundreds of years and are based on our knowledge of foods and plants, and how our bodies work. They're not hugely expensive, they're fast, safe, healthy and will do you a world of good.
Treating acne might seem a bit complicated, but it really doesn't have to be. After reviewing tons of acne treatment programs online, I would strongly recommend "Acne Free In 3 Days". It uses all-natural methods to achieve rapid results, and is really worth looking into. Learn more about it, and how to cure your acne at Cure-Acne-Today.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Fencer
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